Juan and Pedro at Police Station.

Grocery Store

A Grocery Store was robbed, so the police investigate the crime that occur. There was a witness that says Juan and Pedro was a criminal. So the police arrest Juan and Pedro and carry them to the Police Station.

When the police brought Juan and Pedro to the Police Station, the police ask them “Is it true that the two of you was the robber?” “No, it is not true” Juan said. Then Pedro said that “Let’s say the truth Juan. It is true Sir. Juan forced me to do that crime.” Pedro said. So Juan got mad at Pedro. And then the police said “I don’t care if he forced you, what we talking about there is both of you were together when the crime happened.” After that, the police said “your punishment will be strike a stick on your back.” So Juan got badtrip. And Pedro said to Juan “it’s your fault you’re so dumb, you said the truth.”

*Juan got badtrip*

But, the police said “But, because it’s my birthday today, you choose how many strikes to make. But 10 strikes are the minimum, but it’s because I’m so feeling generous, I will give 1 more wish. But, it’s not allowed to wish that there is no strike.” So Pedro said “I’m first, so my 1st wish is you strike me 10 times only” and the police said “Okay, so what is your 2nd wish?”, Then, Pedro said “My 2nd wish you put a pillow on my back.” So the police followed the wish of Pedro, but it’s because there is a pillow on the back of Pedro, Pedro was not hurt too much.

After that, the police said “You next Juan, so what is your wish and how many strikes you want?”, So Juan said “Strikes me 1000 times.” So Pedro laughed too much to Juan’s wish.

*Pedro laughed*

So the police said, “Okay, so what is your 2nd wish?” Then Juan said “Tie Pedro at my back.”……….

*Pedro carried by Juan*

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